
Molecular Progesterone Complex

$51.24 $39.97

SKU: H-PROG-001 Category:

Our Progesterone Complex is a pro-thyroid supplement that can help to:

  • Re-Balance Thyroid-Suppressive Estrogens and Stress Hormones
  • Re-Activate the Thyroid Gland
  • Improve Sleep
  • Reduce Joint-Pain
  • Protect Against Stress and Anxiety
  • Improve Heart Health
  • Relieve Hot Flashes/Flushes
  • Protect Against Ovarian Cysts and Fibrocystic Breasts
  • Improve Fertility


Progesterone Is Your Thyroid’s Best Friend…

Did you know that progesterone is essential to your thyroid health?

That’s right.

Progesterone is necessary to activate the very important enzymes required for your thyroid gland to release thyroid hormone into your bloodstream.

In other words…

Without adequate progesterone, it’s nearly impossible for you to get the thyroid hormone you need.

But that’s not all.

Progesterone is the most protective hormone your body produces.

And it’s essential for protecting yourself against the thyroid-suppressive effects of estrogen, which quickly rises in hypothyroidism.

How Estrogen Dominance (or Progesterone Deficiency) Traps You In a Hypothyroid Prison

Did you know that your progesterone levels should be 50 to 100 times higher than your estrogen?

Yet, when you become hypothyroid, your estrogen levels can quickly skyrocket out of control.

Your liver loses its ability to detoxify estrogen, causing it to build up and accumulate inside your body.

You begin to overproduce estrogen by converting androgens, like testosterone, into more estrogen.

All this estrogen directly blocks your thyroid gland from releasing its thyroid hormones while also blocking your cells from using what little thyroid hormone you do have available.

Yet, here’s the worst part.

In hypothyroidism, your progesterone production becomes inhibited, activating estrogen receptors and amplifying the thyroid-suppressive effects of estrogen.

The more estrogen and less progesterone you produce, the more hypothyroid you become.

The more hypothyroid you become, the more estrogen and less progesterone you produce.

This leaves you stuck in the hypothyroidism  – estrogen dominance  cycle.

Help Break the Hypothyroidism – Estrogen Dominance Cycle with Progesterone

Supplementing progesterone is almost always necessary to reverse estrogen dominance and break this thyroid-suppressive cycle.

It does so in a number of ways, including:

  1. Stimulating your own natural production of progesterone to further boost your progesterone levels.
  2. Deactivating estrogen receptors to reduce the harmful effects of estrogen.
  3. Blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, preventing estrogen’s overproduction.
  4. Improving your liver’s ability to detoxify estrogen properly, reducing estrogen’s dominance.
  5. Promoting the release of thyroid hormone from your thyroid gland and its use by your cells.

We already know that you can benefit greatly from bio-identical progesterone.

But if you’re not using the right source, you’re just throwing your money away without being adequately protected.

The Problems with Other Bio-Identical Progesterone Creams and Supplements

One of the biggest problems with progesterone is that it’s difficult to absorb.

One reason is because progesterone is hydrophobic, meaning it precipitates easily when it comes into contact with moisture. Once it precipitates, you can’t absorb it.

Some progesterone supplements (and medications) are taken orally in pill/powder form, which often is inactivated by the liver.

Other progesterone supplements and creams use as low as a 0.1% to 3% concentration of progesteronealong with thyroid-suppress oils and harmful excipients.

In many cases, commonly used bio-identical progesterone supplements have an absorption rates as low as 1% to 5%.

That’s What Makes Our Molecular Progesterone Complex So Effective…

Our Progesterone Complex uses a proprietary formula based on the research of Dr. Raymond Peat.

It contains a special molecular solution of progesterone allowing for close to 100% absorption.

Our proprietary process fully dissolves this bio-identical progesterone into our simple, clean base, freeing each progesterone molecule to be efficiently absorbed and truly bio-available.

It’s dissolved in vitamin E, which acts as a carrier to deliver the progesterone directly into the bloodstream, thus bypassing the liver…

…making it the most absorbable bio-identical progesterone source available.

Plus, it’s highly concentrated and contains no harmful oils or excipients.

At Forefront Health, I specially source and formulate our supplements for optimal thyroid function, using only the purest ingredients for best results.

How I Use and Recommend Our Progesterone Complex with Our Clients…

I’ve yet to find a client not prefer our Molecular Progesterone Complex over any other progesterone source or supplement.

They prefer it simply because it works better, for reasons described above.

But the dosage can also make a difference.

For peri-menopausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal women, start with 3 drops 5 times per day for 2 to 4 weeks. Then continue with 3 drops 3 times per day. Should be cycled 3 weeks on, then 1 week off.

For pre-menopausal women who are still menstruating, 3 drops 1 to 3 times daily on days 14 through 28 of the menstrual cycle. Dosage (3 drops) can be repeated as needed, for more severe symptoms.

For best results and highest absorption, rub the oil into the gums and thin membranes of the mouth.

Our Molecular Progesterone Complex contains 1.08 fl. oz. / 32 ml (over 2,700 mg) of pure, natural, bio-identical progesterone dissolved in MCT & Vitamin E Oil.


Ingredients: Bio-identical progesterone USP, mixed tocopherols (Vitamin E), MCT (coconut oil)

Other Ingredients: None

Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free, Non-GMO

Our Molecular Progesterone Complex contains 1.08 fl. oz. / 32 ml (over 2,700 mg) of pure, natural, bio-identical progesterone.

How to Use

For best results and highest absorption, rub the oil into the gums and thin membranes of the mouth.

Peri-MenopausalMenopausal, and Post-Menopausal Women  Start with 3 drops 5 times per day for 2 to 4 weeks. Then continue with 3 drops 3 times per day. Should be cycled 3 weeks on, then 1 week off.

Pre-Menopausal Women – 3 drops 1 to 3 times daily on days 14 through 28 of the menstrual cycle. Dosage (3 drops) can be repeated as needed, for more severe symptoms.

Men – 1 to 2 drops daily for anti-stress effects. Long-term usage not recommended.


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