
Thyro-Boost Coffee and Manual Burr Grinder Bundle

$43.94 $33.97

SKU: C-TCOG-012 Category:

100% Organic Specialty Grade Thyroid-Boosting Coffee:

  • Re-Activate Healthy Thyroid Function
  • Re-Balance Thyroid-Suppressive Stress Hormones
  • Re-Balance Thyroid-Suppressive Estrogen
  • Restore Healthy Liver Function
  • Improve Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugar Handling
  • Restore Healthy Thyroid-Supportive Metabolism
  • Reduce Risk of Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Diabetes, and more…

Manual Ceramic Conical Burr Precision Coffee Grinder:

  • Freshly Grind Your Coffee to Ensure Maximum Thyroid-Boosting Benefits
  • Pristine Stainless Steel Exterior Holds Up to Wear and Tear
  • Professional Grade Ceramic Conical Burr to Ensure a Consistent and Precise Grind Every Time
  • Adjustable Grind Selector With Over 25 Settings Ensures You Have 100% Control Over the Coarseness of Your Grind
  • Handheld, Lightweight, Quiet, and Portable So You Can Use It Anywhere Without Disturbing Anyone
  • 35g Coffee Bean / 6.25 Tbsp. (92.5 ml) Coffee Grounds Capacity


How to Maximize the Thyroid-Boosting Effects of Coffee By Fixing These 4 Common Coffee Mistakes

When used properly, coffee can help give you the lasting energy and mental clarity you need throughout your day.

Yet, that’s just scratching the surface of the prolific health benefits that coffee has to offer, which are unknown to most people.

If you are not already drinking coffee, then you’re missing out on many powerful thyroid-boosting benefits that coffee has to offer.

For example, studies show that coffee helps boost and protect your Thyroid Hormone Pathway in many ways, as it:

  1. Protects your thyroid gland from thyroid disease.
  2. Protects and boosts your liver function (the most important part of your Thyroid Hormone Pathway.)
  3. Lowers thyroid-suppressive estrogen while boosting thyroid-supportive progesterone.
  4. Lowers thyroid-suppressive stress hormones.
  5. Boosts your thyroid-supportive metabolism.

Yet, the health benefits of coffee don’t stop there.

Studies also show that coffee helps to lower your risk of numerous diseases, which in turn can help you to live a longer, happier and healthier life.

For example, coffee has been shown to significantly decrease your risk of some of the top causes of death, including:

  1. Heart disease (#1 leading cause of death in the US.)
  2. Cancer (#2 leading cause of death in the US.)
  3. Stroke (#5 leading cause of death in the US.)
  4. Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases (#6 leading cause of death in the US.)
  5. Diabetes (and insulin resistance) (#7 leading cause of death in the US.)
  6. And more…

Simply put, coffee is one of the most effective health foods you can possibly use.

If you’re not using coffee then you’re really doing yourself and your thyroid a disservice.

Now, if you are already drinking coffee, then hopefully you’re not making any these 4 common coffee mistakes that may be preventing you from getting the maximum thyroid-boosting and health benefits that coffee has to offer.

Which of These 4 Common Coffee Mistakes Are You Making?

Just like any thyroid-boosting supplement you might use, you want to get the maximum benefit from that supplement.

Coffee is no different.

Yet, many people are committing all four of these common coffee mistakes without even realizing it.

Coffee Mistake #1: Exposing Yourself to Mycotoxins

Not all coffee is created equal.

Most coffee producers use lower grade beans that are more susceptible to growing mold and contain higher levels of mycotoxins.

Some try to hide this behind naming, such as “gourmet” coffee, or other fancy sounding descriptions that really don’t mean anything.

Yet, if you want to minimize mold and mycotoxins then you need to stick with the highest grade coffee, which is termed “specialty coffee”.

Coffee Mistake #2: Exposing Yourself to Synthetic Pesticides

Coffee is one of the most heavily pesticide-treated crops in the world.

Yet, only 3 percent of coffee in the world is grown organically without the use of synthetic chemicals (only 1 percent is organic AND specialty grade.)

That means 97 percent of coffee you might be drinking is cause for concern.

While there may be some debate over how much of these chemicals make it through roasting, you’ll never have to worry with organic coffee.

Coffee Mistake #3: Using the Wrong Coffee Roast

Some of coffee’s most important health benefits come from the roasting process.

Yet, this is where most coffee producers get it all wrong.

Studies continue to show that many of coffee’s health benefits stem from its high levels of antioxidants.

In fact, coffee is the largest source of dietary antioxidants today (yet another reason you should be drinking it.)

And these antioxidants are largely determined by the roasting of the coffee.

Green coffee beans are rich in antioxidants referred to as Chlorogenic Acids (CGA’s).

Maybe you’ve heard of green coffee bean extract that is supposed to help with weight loss?

That’s nothing more than these CGA’s.

When observed within a test-tube the antioxidant effects of CGA’s look extremely promising.

This has prompted a movement toward lighter roast coffees higher in CGA’s, which many consider to be healthier.

Yet, when you look at the antioxidant effects that occur within your body after drinking coffee…

this tells a completely different story.

These studies show that darker roast coffee, low in CGA’s and rich in other roasting byproducts provide superior health effects when compared to lighter roast coffee high in CGA’s, such as:

  1. 41% increase in thyroid-supportive tocopherol levels (Vitamin E antioxidant.)
  2. 14% increase in glutathione levels (another important antioxidant.)
  3. Significant increase in thyroid-supportive nicotinic acid (niacin).
  4. 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) mean weight loss (as opposed to a small weight gain by the lighter roast coffee.)

Not only does darker roast coffee provide significantly greater thyroid-boosting and antioxidant benefits… it also promotes significantly more weight loss.

As you can see, using the wrong coffee roast can significantly reduce the thyroid-boosting health benefits that coffee has to offer.

Coffee Mistake #4: Using Antioxidant-Depleted Pre-Ground Coffee

There’s no point in trying to maximize the health benefits of your coffee if you’re going to let those benefits go to waste.

The strong antioxidants in your coffee are stored inside the coffee beans.

So, if you’re purchasing coffee that is pre-ground, or even if you’re grinding it yourself at the store before you take it home, a large portion of those antioxidants will be degraded long before the coffee ever reaches your lips.

You’ve already lost a lot of the antioxidant health benefits.

In order to maintain and maximize the thyroid-boosting and health benefits of your coffee, you should be freshly grinding your coffee shortly before use. (We can recommend the perfect grinder to help do just that.)

In order to maximize the antioxidants, you also need to consider how the coffee is packaged.

The antioxidant benefits of coffee are greatest when coffee is freshly roasted.

When coffee is sitting on store shelves, shipped by mail, or simply sits in your pantry over the course of days or weeks, this too can compromise the antioxidant benefits.

This is why it’s best to purchase coffee in packaging that has been nitrogen flushed to preserve and maximize your antioxidants.

Unfortunately most producers forgo nitrogen flushing in order to increase their profits, while you and your coffee pay the price.

What’s the Point of Using Coffee Whose Health Benefits Have Already Been Wasted?

As I tell all our clients, you shouldn’t only be enjoying coffee for the taste and how it makes you feel… you should also be enjoying it for all of the health benefits it has to offer.

The benefits of coffee are so great that we consider it to be more of a supplement than a food.

Buying bad coffee is like buying an old expired supplement that has already gone bad before you ever use it.

It just doesn’t make any sense.

Who doesn’t want the freshest, purest, best tasting, and highest quality coffee that gives you the best results with your thyroid health?

That’s Why We’ve Optimized Our Coffee for Optimal Thyroid Health…

Since we recommend and use coffee with all of our thyroid clients, we decided it was time to formulate and produce a coffee designed specifically for thyroid health.

After more than half a year researching the intricacies and health benefits of coffee, and working with award winning coffee roasters right here in our own backyard…

…we have now created what we consider to be coffee perfection, both in terms of health benefits and taste.

We call it… Forefront Health Thyro-Boost Coffee.

It’s specialty coffee roasted specially for your thyroid health.

  1. We only use the highest quality organic and specialty grade coffee beans to eliminate molds and mycotoxins as well as synthetic pesticides and chemicals… so you can rest assured knowing that the only thing in your coffee is coffee.
  2. We specially roast our beans to maximize the thyroid-boosting effects and healthy antioxidants levels… so you get the maximum health benefits you deserve from your coffee rather than allowing them to go to waste.
  3. We package our coffee beans with a nitrogen flush to lock in the freshness and amazing flavor while maintaining the highest antioxidant levels to extend the health benefits of your coffee. This way you can enjoy your coffee when you’re ready, without being rushed, and without losing out on any of the thyroid-boosting effects.

How I Use and Recommend Our Thyro-Boost Coffee with Our Clients

We recommend brewing 2 tablespoons (15 grams) of freshly ground coffee Thyro-Boost Coffee per cup (8 oz. / 326 ml) of water.

You can brew it any way you’d like including drip, French-press, percolate, etc. It has no effect on the health benefits at all.

While even as little as 1 cup of coffee (8 oz. / 326 ml) per day provides significant health benefits… research shows that 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day can have tremendous effects on your health.

We always start slowly with our clients and increase coffee intake over time based on a dose and dosing schedule that helps them feel their best.

For best effect and tolerance, we have our clients sip their coffee with and after meals.

If tolerance is a concern, then we start slowly with as small of a dose as tolerated, used only with meals and only with adequate carbohydrate and fat to help slow the digestion and absorption of the caffeine while maintaining proper blood sugar handling.

If you struggle with tolerating coffee, you can fix this so you too can reap all of the thyroid-boosting and health benefits that coffee has to offer.

Contains 12 oz. (340 g) of fresh, organic, specialty grade, pure, clean thyroid-boosting coffee.


Ingredients: fresh, organic, specialty grade, pure, clean thyroid-boosting coffee.

Other Ingredients: None

Contains 12 oz. (340 g) whole bean coffee.

How to Use Coffee & Grinder

We recommend brewing 2 tablespoons (15 grams) of freshly ground coffee Thyro-Boost Coffee per cup (8 oz. / 326 ml) of water.

You can brew it any way you’d like including drip, French-press, percolate, etc. It has no effect on the health benefits at all.

While even as little as 1 cup of coffee (8 oz. / 326 ml) per day provides significant health benefits… research shows that 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day can have tremendous effects on your health.

We always start slowly with our clients and increase coffee intake over time based on a dose and dosing schedule that helps them feel their best.

For best effect and tolerance, we have our clients sip their coffee with and after meals.

If tolerance is a concern, then we start slowly with as small of a dose as tolerated, used only with meals and only with adequate carbohydrate and fat to help slow the digestion and absorption of the caffeine while maintaining proper blood sugar handling.

If you struggle with tolerating coffee, you can fix this so you too can reap all of the thyroid-boosting and health benefits that coffee has to offer.

How to Use Your Burr Coffee Grinder

Grinder PDF Instructions:

(Click Here) How to Use and Adjust the Grind Setting for Your New Manual Conical Burr Coffee Grinder for Best Results

Video 1: How to Use Your New Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

Video 2: How to Adjust Your Burr Coffee Grinder Setting


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