
Thyroid Symptoms in Women

The thyroid gland plays a very important role in your ability to metabolize food, store energy, manage weight and control body heat. Believe it or not, it’s also a key factor in your ability to think, sleep, talk and be healthy. When your thyroid is out of balance, it won’t be long before you’ll be experiencing one or more of the many thyroid symptoms in women.

If you have a low thyroid function, which means your thyroid is producing fewer hormones than your body needs, your body systems will not operate at their optimum level. This condition is called hypothyroidism.

Although thyroid problems do affect all of the body’s systems, there is a tendency for thyroid symptoms in women to be especially influenced by the sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.  In fact, many of the signs and symptoms of menopause are actually a clear indication that you are suffering from hypothyroidism and could greatly benefit from a good hypothyroidism treatment.

Let’s take a look at some of the thyroid symptoms that are connected with the sex hormones.

Thyroid Symptoms in Women Associated with Sex Hormone Imbalances

  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Heavy, long or frequent menstrual periods
  • Excessive clotting
  • Fibroids
  • Fibrocystic breasts (also called lumpy or bumpy breasts)
  • A history of miscarriage
  • Severe menstrual cramps
  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Diminished sex drive
  • Breast milk formation when not lactating or pregnant

Although the list of thyroid symptoms in women related to your sex hormones are vast, they are by no means the only clue that you might be suffering from a thyroid disorder.  In fact some of the body systems that can be impaired by a thyroid disorder are quite serious and need to be addressed.

Heart Problems Related to Thyroid Symptoms in Women

Older women are especially susceptible to heart and cardiac conditions brought on by hypothyroidism. Some studies have indicated that women with hypothyroidism are inclined to have blockages in the aorta and heart disease which can lead to a heart attack.

Some indications of heart problems that manifest as thyroid symptoms in women:

  • Hardening of the arteries
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels that don’t drop after treatment
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Prolapsed mitral valve

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is often really one of the many thyroid symptoms in women.

In recent years the medical community is beginning to perceive a link between hypothyroidism and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).  The pain associated with CTS is usually accompanied by numbness in the wrist, or forearm and sometimes the fingers as well. The problem is the result of membranes that swell, causing a compression of a nerve in the forearm and wrist. Studies indicate the condition is much more common in those who have hypothyroidism.

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and the connection to thyroid disorders.

The pain from fibromyalgia is quite severe and affects the muscles, tendons and ligaments.  There has been much confusion over the diagnosis of fibromyalgia until lately when studies are beginning to indicate that the pain of fibromyalgia and the exhaustion of chronic fatigue syndrome may be due to thyroid problems.  Both of these disorders, while occurring in both men and women, have a tendency to be more prevalent in women. Recent theories suggest the disorders are really thyroid symptoms in women.

Difficulty losing weight is one of the most common of thyroid symptoms in women.

One of the most noticeable and frustrating symptoms of hypothyroidism is weight gain, and/or the inability to lose extra weight no matter how much or little one eats.  Remember that in many cases a sluggish thyroid is the reason. If you are in overall good health, but can’t shed even a few pounds no matter how hard you try, your weight problem is very likely related to the thyroid symptoms in women. Bear in mind that there is a number of women who have no weight problems even though they are suffering from hypothyroidism.

Digestive disorders that are related to hypothyroidism.

The digestive system is responsible for taking the food you eat, turning it into fuel and energy, and then passing any waste through your body.  Any of the following symptoms of the digestive tract could be an indication that you are suffering from thyroid symptoms in women.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Constipation
  • Food allergies
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • A swollen tongue or ridges on the tongue
  • A dry mouth
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome also known as IBS
  • Distention of your abdomen
  • Excessive Gas
  • Bad breath
  • Diabetes
  • Liver or gallbladder problems
  • Cravings for salt
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Hypoglycemia

If you find that you have been bothered by one or more of these symptoms it may in fact mean that you are actually experiencing thyroid symptoms in women. And a hypothyroidism diet can really help with many of the symptoms.

Women are especially prone to hypothyroidism symptoms that affect the hair, skin and nails. 

Symptoms affecting the hair, skin and nails range from mild to serious and are often attributed to other conditions. However, if you find yourself dealing with any of the symptoms listed below consider that they may really be thyroid related.

  • Puffiness or swelling of eyes, or face
  • Swelling of hands feet, and/or ankles
  • Loss of Hair
  • Hair that is brittle
  • Eyelashes thinning out
  • Loss of eyebrow hair
  • Nails that are flakey, brittle or peeling
  • Course Skin that is dry and flakey
  • A yellow or pale skin pigment
  • Dark circles beneath your eyes
  • Orange colored calluses on the feet, ankles or hands
  • Acne
  • Skin Rash
  • Unusual skin conditions
  • A tendency to bruise easily

While we’ve covered a variety of thyroid symptoms in women, these are by no means the complete list.  Take from this information the fact that the thyroid gland is responsible for the workings of many different body systems, so it has a wide range of effects on the body. If you recognize any of these thyroid disease symptoms in yourself, take heed that you might be suffering from a thyroid disorder.